We are located in south Oklahoma City, where there is a large population of homelessness, drug addictions, unemployment, and poverty.  Currently due to limited support and resources, we hold our Community Impact day one day each month as an outreach to the people in our area.  They come on foot, bike, and even pile up in cars, and the bed of pickups.  We are able to meet the needs of hunger, nakedness, and spiritual depravity.  We provide food, clothing, and prayer.  We’ve been fortunate to be a fountain of hope for several OKC communities throughout the entire pandemic. 

This day occurs on the Saturday after the third Friday of each month. This day generally falls on the third Saturday, but there are exceptions.

Individuals that we helped when COVID cases were extremely high have come back to volunteer in helping us distribute food and clothing.  We typically send out text messages to many of the people we’ve helped in the past, requesting volunteers to help prepare and distribute food and clothing.  Though many don’t not respond, we get some like a lady named Sandra.  She came to volunteer with her granddaughter.  She put in a full three hours on a Friday evening.  As we were preparing to depart, she walked up to the pastor and said,  “Remember me? You prayed for me when I had Covid.  I was out of work.  I needed food and a car and you prayed for me.  Well, I’m healed now.  I’m working again and my brother-in-law gave me a car.  Yes, he just gave it to me. God answered the prayer. Thank you for helping me.  You guys helped me when I was down, I wanted to come and give back.”    

Partnering with individuals and organizations helps us to provide a platform to hear the heart of people and to journey with them through prayer to the throne of grace to obtain mercy. Not only are we seeing people thankful about receiving, but we are witnessing people of all backgrounds come together to help in giving to others. 

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